What Homestay Is NOT!

A Homestay is not the same as a typical bed and breakfast, where a Guest stays for one or two nights and where a full buffet style breakfast is included in their stay. It’s also not a hotel, a motel, nor any other commercialized residence.

Homestay Guests are just that: GUESTS! These Guests are not babysitters or domestic help. As Guests, they should never be expected to mind your children or clean up areas of the home that is not used by them. They are paying Guests. However, sometimes your Guest will help you with dishes and little household chores. Discuss this with the Homestay organizer and check their policy on this issue in order to reach a balance.

A Host family should not expect the Guest to be used to their own advantage. Expecting to provide a companion for children should not be your primary reason for becoming a Homestay Host.

Homestay Guests should not be used as a means to save a difficult marriage or for any financial problems that you may have. Be certain that meeting that next month’s mortgage payment or those unpaid bills are not your primary reason for hosting. I have personally observed situations where there have not been enough funds left at the end of the month to properly care for their Guests. Do not depend on this as your only source of income, at least until you have your Homestay well established. Remember, your reputation as a good Homestay is at risk and it maybe just a matter of time before you are not considered as a suitable Homestay.

While most companies try to screen the Homestay Host and the accommodations, this process is not always satisfactory and some unsuitable Hosts do slip through. The selection of Host families as well as the assignment of the International Guest to a Host home must be done without discrimination. If you have any prejudice against religion, race, sex or color, this type of business is not for you. If you have strong religious beliefs, do not assume that hosting these foreign Guests will conform them to your way of thinking or convert to your faith. The Host family must respect their Guest’s religious belief or lack of.

Homestay Hosts should approach this opportunity for all the right reasons. The most important purpose for a Host family is to be able to share their home and themselves.

Below-I found this today on YouTube. A good example of What Not To Do!

Homestay e-Magazine we will bring you great stories and information you cant find anywhere else on Homestay Life, so keep posted and don't forget to add us to your favorites! This article and more can be found in your copy of Homestay 101 for Hosts available on www.amazon.ca

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